G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation is nearing the start of production, with a release date already set for July, 2012. Dwayne Johnson, who is portraying Roadblock in the action-packed sequel, is undergoing training sessions to stay physically fit.
Wrestler to Moviestar
Before Johnson was a movie star he was known as The Rock in Wrestling World Entertainment. He holds second place for the most reigns as WWF/E Champion. He held the title seven times before he left the business in 2004.
He has successfully crossed over from sports to film. According to his interview in Men’s Health, his childhood dream was to be an actor in Hollywood. Keeping himself physically fit was a big part of that dream.
His workout routine
Recognizing that Hollywood stars maintain a lean and athletic look, Johnson had to modify his workout and lose 25 lbs in 4 months, getting down to 225 lbs. The Rock's workout routine focused on cutting body fat. He went from 14% to 7% body fat in this short amount of time. To help cut this weight, Johnson changed his workout to train each body part three times per week. Despite cutting back on cardio, this allowed him to burn that extra fat. In addition, Johnson's training involved constantly changing his workout routine to avoid plateaus. He adjusted rest periods, the amount he lifted, the speed with he lifted, and of course the number of sets en reps he performed.
Dwayne Johnson's workout routine focused on a lot of cardio with resistance training, weights and core training. He trained 6 days per week with Sunday as a rest day.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Chest, back, biceps, calves: 5 sets, 15-20 reps, 30 second rest period.
Cardio: 5 minute warm-up, 12 minutes high insensity, 5 minute cool down.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saterday
Quads, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps: 5 sets, 15-20 reps, 30 seconds rest periods.
Cardio: 5 minute warm-up, 12 minutes high intensity, 5 minute cool down.
Secret to dieting
When I read that Johnson’s secret to dieting is cheating, I went ecstatic. I love to cheat too. It’s fun. He feels cheating is essential to his diet. His favorite cheat foods are donuts and pizza. I can agree with the pizza, but donuts are too raunchy for my taste. But don’t get Johnson wrong. I am sure he eats Ben & Jerry ice cream. He has a well-rounded diet. He works at consuming 1 gram of protein for each pound of his bodyweight. He eats a reasonable amount of carbs. He takes advantage of protein shakes. He regularly eats beef, chicken breast and vegetables. Supplements play an important part of his diet as well. Joint Formula He includes multivitamins, ZMA, joint formula and glutamine. The fact that he takes joint formula and glutamine is interesting. I have been contemplating taking the same supplements for my knees.