Increasing muscle mass is one of the easiest ways to burn more calories throughout the day and get rid of excess body fat. The thigh muscles are one of the largest muscle groups in the body, and focusing on strengthening these to increase muscle mass and size can help you achieve a leaner, sculpted look while burning extra weight. Some of the easiest exercises that can help increase thigh muscle size and strength include:
Lunges: Lunges challenge core muscle grops in the hips and upper thighs, and will also help you improve your posture. These exercises strengthen your lower body and can help to firm aup and tighten the inner and outer thigh areas.
Squats: Squats are another valuable exercise for challenging core muscle groups in the hips and upper thighs. Doing squats with weights will provide extra resistance for the lower body and help you increase muscle size and strength in a short period of time.
Plie sqats: A variation of the standard squat, these exercises challenge the inner thigh muscles and help build up strength in both the lower and upper thigh area.
Leg presses: Using a leg press machine can challenge large and small muscle groups in the thighs, and really target muscles that are not challenged with conventional weight-bearing routines. Learn how to use a leg press machine at the local gym to help sculpt and tone the thigh muscles with ease
Stair climbing: Using a stair climber or climbing regular stairs challenges the thighs and glutes; this can also help tone up and strengthen the inner and outer thighs, but you can get the best results when the exercise is performed in conjunction as part of an interval training segment
Stretching exercises such as Pilates or simply completing a thorough stretching routine can reduce the risk of developing bulky muscles. Stretching and breathing deeply encourages oxygen flow throughout the body and reduces the risk of muscle cramping and toxin buildup after an intensive exercise session. Stretching the thigh muscles before and after a workout is a simple way to keep the muscles looking long and lean.