LONDON -If you are passing by London at the start of October, make sure you don't miss out on DroidCon 2011, taking place at the Islington Design Centre on the 6th and 7th of October.
This is the UK's largest Android-only development event taking place this year and will include some big names in the Android world. The first day features a Bar Camp and Developer Camp. The second day will be a conference day with presentations from Android experts worldwide.These include Richard Hyndman and Nick Butcher from Google and Mark Murphy from CommonsWare.
The Super Early Bird tickets are now sold out, but you can still grab some Early Bird discounted tickets at 150 GBP.
There were will be plenty of goodies and related discounts for attendees, including a special delegate discount on my book, "Location Aware Applications" published by Manning (US). Check back here soon for the discount code and more updates on the event!