Friday, May 20, 2011

Exciting news! A post from SCPOC Facilitator Shana Friedman

It's been a long time since I have blogged for the Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition! The beauty of a peer-led campaign is that our group of transitional-aged youth does all the work outreaching to other transitional aged youth. That means that as the Group Facilitator I get to do all the other work that does not involve paperwork and grant reporting. Ah, the Peer Leaders have a lot more fun than I do!

Anyway, I am excited to report that there are some big changes happening to our campaign in the next three months. The SCPOC has received generous funding from the Office on Women's Health to complete a specific project. The primary focus of our project will be implementing bilingual content into our campaign. Our Facebook, Twitter, and this blog will all be written bilingually to help us reach our diverse followers.

I would like to thank our Intern Hannah Davis for her year of hard work on this blog and the SCPOC campaign. Hannah has graduated from Sonoma State University and will be moving on to new and exciting adventures of her own. Thank you Hannah! You will be misred!

I would also like to welcome Deisy Vargas to our team. Deisy has been hired as the Social Media Coordinator to work specifically on this project for the next three months. Desiy has already started recruiting new Peer Leaders to work on this campaign. If you are interested in volunteering, please comment on this blog, on our Facebook, or send an e-mail!

Our anticipated start date is June 1st! Keep following our social media sites and let us know how we are doing!